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200 Member Milestone!


Thank you for helping us reach 200 PTSA members! Can you help us reach 250 by the end of the year? We build community by increasing family engagement, amplifying the voices of our members and supporting educators as we all seek to improve student outcomes. Our monthly meetings provide a venue to ask questions of our community leaders and hear the latest news affecting our school division. Your membership dues support our operating budget including our weekly newsletter, our updated website, our advocacy efforts, and Zoom Webinar option to attend meetings. Open donations support the many programs we provide for ACHS - from classroom grants, to teacher appreciation, to increased family engagement.

For just $5-$10, parents, caregivers, teachers, staff, students and community members can join our volunteer-led organization created to strengthen the family-school partnership. To join or make a donation, please visit our Givebacks Store. For more information on the benefits of membership, including being able to vote and fully participate at meetings, contact our Membership Chair Amanda Ruff. For more information on our fundraising efforts, contact our co-chairs Joan Diehl or Jodi Zand.

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